I always feel like saying that is a slur, somehow...anyway, short post tonight (heading towards finals...who thought it was a good idea to hold regular exams a week before finals? Just cover the material in the final!) on brown dwarves.*
Brown dwarves are small objects that fill the rather broad size gap between planets and stars. Essentially failed stars, they start at around 12-15 Jupiter masses and go up to...well, the size of ignition, about 10% of the Sun's mass.
What's a failed star? It's an object that started collecting gas from a nebula (hydrogen, some helium maybe), and may even have created a disk of swirling material. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, it ran out of gas to accumulate. This means that its total mass was insufficient to crush the hydrogen atoms at its core into each other -- creating helium through nuclear fusion, and consequently kick-starting its life as a star. Instead, it just sits there like a largish ball of matter, quietly wiling away time.
Ok, that's why they're not stars, but what differentiates brown dwarves from rogue planets? Well, dwarves, ironically, are just too big. There are a few other differences, although if you look too closely, you'll find that astronomers are still a little fuzzy on the details.
Firstly, their pseudo-stellar-disk method of formation is similar to that of a star, not a typical planet. Many rogue planets are presumed to have been slingshot from an unstable orbit around a multi-star system. Not so with brown dwarves.
Secondly, they are hot gaseous bodies; most of our planets, and the other planets we've found outside our own solar system, are either terrestrial (can be hot or cold) or Jovian, which are typically cold. This is related to where they form: terrestrial bodies form closer to the star, with less chance of capturing or holding onto gases; gas giants form outside the "frost line," where most gases condense to liquids or ices.** Contrary to this, brown dwarves do not give off much light in the visible spectrum, if any, but they emit a good deal in the infrared (IR) spectrum. Compare the images from Jupiter in the IR spectrum here and an image of a brown dwarf binary system here.Other images are more dramatic, but clearly even from a far greater distance, the brown dwarves give off a great deal more infrared radiation.
Thirdly, planets differentiate if they're made out of more than one element (go look up diamond exoplanets, pretty awesome). Heavy metals like iron and nickel sink to the core, and lighter elements rise to the surface or atmosphere. Brown dwarves are just a ball of mush. Its gases may have been there since formation, or a small amount of hydrogen fusion may have occurred early in life; physicists are still arguing over the parameters.
So, brown dwarves. They're hard to detect and they make the border fuzzy between what seemed previously to be pretty nailed-down definitions. They aren't stars, and they aren't habitable. We can't quite seem to figure out what they're for, in the grand scheme of things. If I figure it out, I'll let you all know.
*Yes, dwarves; I hate American spelling.
**There are "hot Jupiters" being found by recent exoplanet searches, but the term is relative; they're still quite cold, and they are believed to have migrated inward towards their star from their original orbit outside the frost line.
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